Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, January 27

Post #5: January 27th, 2014
I have decided to include honey as an acceptable food in my vegan diet. The subject as to whether or not honey is vegan has been quite a controversy, I have decided that while it is a product of bees, it is a naturally made product that doesn't harm or affect the bees in any significant way. I have weighed the positive and negative and found that there were many more positive effects of consuming honey. While I see why it may be considered an exploitation of an animal, I feel that this could be an exception, as the animals are not harmed, and the product doesn't become an animal at some point, like eggs.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Wednesday, January 22

Post #4, January 22nd, 2014
Found a great recipe for Kale chips. They came out really well!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Monday, January 20

Post #3: January 20th, 2014,
I went to the whole foods on Sunday. It's funny because it's been within walking distance of my house for the past 2 years and I've never been there. When I go in, it's a plethora of produce and other goods. This visit, I was just skimming the aisles looking at the various goods they had to offer. I get to the dairy section where they have milk, butter, eggs, "milk", "butter", and "eggs". There are all sorts of substitutes including almond and soy milk, soy butter, and soy eggs. All in all, there was a lot of soy. I can't wait to go again!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Post #2: January 13th, 2014

Did you know that Bill Clinton is a vegan? #FunFactOfTheDay

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Post #1: January 11th

Welcome to "The Mighty Veggie" This is a blog I started to keep track of my progress for my MYP Personal Project. I'm going to be discovering the health benefits of going vegan. Starting February, I will be going vegan for the whole month. Each week I will be changing my diet just a bit and finally, for the last week of February, I will be a raw vegan, eating only raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds. At the end of my diet change, I will be starting a recipe site that will have original, all natural, vegan recipes. Below, you can see a schedule of my diet and my project:
January 5-11: 4 meals with meat and/or animal products
January 12-18: 3 meals with meat and/or animal products
January 19-25: 2 meals with meat and/or animal products
January 26-31: Last meal with meat and/or animal products

February 1-8: Vegan Diet- Cooking allowed
February 9-15: Vegan Diet- 3 Cooked meals allowed
February 16-19: Vegan Diet- Last cooked meal
February 20-28: Raw Vegan Diet

March 1-7: Start Site
March 7-21: Work On Site
March 22-30: Finalize Site

I hope that this can be very helpful to anyone who is thinking of going vegan. Stay with me as I head down the road to vegan!